My Favorite Book/Book Series


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Since I went out and asked others what their favorite books were, I decided to share some of my favorite books/series. I had lots of fun with this, if that wasn’t apparent. I wanted to mention I had planned to include A Series of Unfortunate Events in this, but the picture I took deleted. Kinda unfortunate, huh?

With the semester dwindling down, my last post is soon to come. Please look out for it. Hope you enjoy the slideshow!

Another Movie Adaption This Way Comes


Hey, y’all. I recently found out that one of my favorite books is getting its own movie adaption. The book I am referring to would be “The Giver” by Lois Lowry. It’s been nearly ten years since I properly read this book, but I am excited nonetheless.

The Giver is staged in a seemingly perfect future. The society lacks conflict, disease, and bigotry by eliminating emotion. Every citizen is given a specific role that they will fulfill for the entirety of their life beginning from a young age. The story centers around 12 year-old Jonas, who is selected for the role of “Receiver of Memory”, the sole person who is used to store the memories of what has happened in the past. Through learning from the giver, Jonas learns how the world he knows came to be and embraces what only has access to: knowledge.

Here is a link to a short trailer for “The Giver.” It comes out August 15th, 2014- The Giver

I have a video coming up that I hope will be as intriguing as I plan for it to be. Please look out for it!
